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Slot: phases

Represents the normal network phasing condition. If the attribute is missing, three phases (ABC) shall be assumed, except for terminals of grounding classes (specializations of EarthFaultCompensator, GroundDisconnector, and Ground) which will be assumed to be N. Therefore, phase code ABCN is explicitly declared when needed, e.g. for star point grounding equipment.

The phase code on terminals connecting same ConnectivityNode or same TopologicalNode as well as for equipment between two terminals shall be consistent.

URI: cim:Terminal.phases

Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
Terminal An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment no


Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:

LinkML Source

name: phases
description: 'Represents the normal network phasing condition. If the attribute is
  missing, three phases (ABC) shall be assumed, except for terminals of grounding
  classes (specializations of EarthFaultCompensator, GroundDisconnector, and Ground)
  which will be assumed to be N. Therefore, phase code ABCN is explicitly declared
  when needed, e.g. for star point grounding equipment.

  The phase code on terminals connecting same ConnectivityNode or same TopologicalNode
  as well as for equipment between two terminals shall be consistent.'
rank: 1000
slot_uri: cim:Terminal.phases
multivalued: false
alias: phases
owner: Terminal
- Terminal
range: PhaseCode
required: false